Big problems need big solutions - and the problem we currently have with our environment is huge.

How will hotels adapt to this new reality?
Hamish Kilburn of HOTEL DESIGNS says "There are two components that we must review to start creating a more sustainable industry. First is the carbon cycle, and then we need to review the impacts on our eco-system".

The fact is that due to the higher carbon content in our atmosphere, we have reached a temperature increase of historic proportions.

 At the hotel level we have:

- embodied carbon, which is what we use to build the hotel

-  operational carbon, which includes flights, transport, cleaning towels and bed linen etc.

A first step towards a greener future is the elimination of harmful practices that cause pollution, such as the use of concrete, which could be replaced by materials that come from the same area, such as wood, bamboo, mud walls, etc. and also using renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind energy. 

Some tips for eco-friendly decoration could be to opt for furniture made from recycled materials, use LED for lighting and incorporate natural elements.


Another factor to consider is that our hotel fits into the environment as if it were another element of the surroundings


In summary, the only way out to eliminate carbon emissions from our hotels is to use renewable energy and respect the environment, as in this way we are saving both the planet and the guests.


For more information visit: https://hoteldesigns.net/2023/is-the-future-of-hotel-design-carbon-positive/



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